Some deviant Muslims are of the view that the Apostle of Allah has passed away (?) almost 14 hundred years ago; how can he be Haadir and Naazir (omnipresent) now? Our response would be that Allah has declared in His Koran, Surah al-Baqara, ayah 154: Wa laa taquuluu li maiyyuqtalu fii sabiilillaahi amwaat; bal ahyaa'uw-wa laakil-laa tash'uruun, meaning "And say not of those who sacrifice their lives in the Path of Allah: 'They are dead'. Nay, they are alive, but ye perceive (it) not." This ayah refers to the blessed souls of those Muslims who have sacrificed their lives for the propagation of Islam. Jihaad, that is, striving hard to propagate Allah's religion has two aspects: 1. Fighting the enemies in self-defense. This is referred to in the ayah - Waantasaruu mim-ba'adi maa zulimuu, meaning 'And they (i.e. the Companions) defend themselves only after they are unjustly attacked' (Surah Shu'araa, ayah 227); and 2. Battling with the Nafs i.e. degenerate self/ego. This is an inward struggle that a Believer has to undergo. Once our Prophet (peace be upon him), after coming back home from a battle, said, "We return from the small Jihaad (al-Jihaad al-Asghar) towards the great Jihaad (al-Jihaad al-Akbar)". This great Jihaad has been termed by the Sufi-dervishes as the struggle against the degenerate self or ego of every individual. The Awliyaa al-Kiraam (Sufi-dervishes) perform this Jihaad throughout their blessed lives and become the subjects of the Koranic verse quoted above. In a nutshell, the said ayah is undoubtedly revealed for those blessed souls. They are alive in their shrines, but we perceive it not. Allah forbids us from saying that they are dead (Laa taquuluu li maiyyuqtalu fii sabiilillaah) and this is a Divine prohibition with an imperative verb that resembles prohibitions on alcohol and pork, usury and bribe, homicide and genocide, so on and so forth. If the Awliyaa al-Kiraam are not dead but living as Allah is testifying, then how is it possible that the greatest and dearest friend of Allah, the most exalted Prophet (peace be upon him) of the Almighty is dead? Nay, he is alive in his blessed shrine, but we humans, especially the deviant ones among us cannot perceive this fact. Some of them say this Koranic verse is revealed metaphorically. Let us reiterate that there is nothing metaphorical in this ayah. When Allah says the pious ones are alive (in their shrines), He doesn't mean they are dead. He makes doubly sure by adding the Arabic words Bal (Nay, they are alive) and Laakin (but ye perceive it not). He knew there would be some who might distort the meaning of this Koranic verse in order to suit their evil desire/intentions. Hence, He has clarified the matter beyond the shadow of any doubt.
Shafa'at (intercession) of the Awliya-i Kiraam is true, a fact that has been corroborated by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab on page 30 of his book in question. Yet we are producing some of the evidences here:
1. Allah declared in Surah Baqara, verse 255, "Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth?" (Yusuf Ali's translation)
2. In Suurah Maryam, verse 87, He declares, "None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from Allah Most Gracious." (Yusuf Ali's translation)
3. Allah also says, Yawma'izin laa tanfa'ush-shafa'atu illaa man azinalahuur-Rahmaanu wa radiya lahu qawlaan meaning "On that day (of Resurrection) shall no intercession avail except for those for whom permission has been granted by (Allah) Most Gracious and whose word is acceptable to Him." (Surah Taha, verse 109; Yusuf Ali's translation)
It may be noted here that in the three verses quoted above, the Arabic word 'Man' meaning 'person' has been used; and the term 'Rasuul' i.e. Prophet (peace be upon him) hasn't been used. Hence, it is understood that the Awliyaa (Allah's friends meaning Sufi-dervishes) would be able to intercede as well. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) has made it clear in the following Hadith: "Three types of people would be able to intercede on the Day of Judgement: the Prophets; after them the Ulemaa or Learned Ones (in Spirituality and Islamic jurisprudence as well as in Koranic exegesis); after them the martyrs in holy wars (Ibn Maaja).
Islamic Evidence - 8
The so-called prayer claimed to be in accordance with the Sunnah by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab is in fact against the Islamic tradition, because none of the Sahaba (blessed companions of the Prophet) sought intercession in this manner. They used to ask from the Prophet (peace be upon him) directly. Allah says in Surah Kawsar, verse 1, "To thee have We granted the Fount (of Abundance)." Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Nayimiyy Ashrafiyy, while explaining the Ayah, says in his book 'Sultanat-i Mustafaa', "The word 'Kawthar' means many things - Hawd-i Kawthar or the fountain of Allah's Blessings, infinite bliss, innumerable Ummah i.e. followers, Maqaam-i Mahmood or praised station, Shafa'at-i Kubraa or highest station of intercession (with Allah), countless Mu'jiza or miracles (of Apostleship), worldly power, conquest of lands, highest station among creations (of Allah) and the whole of the Universe. In other words, everything besides Allah. Whatever the meaning here, Allah has granted him many blessings, and he has accepted those. The one who accepts becomes the owner. The verb 'granted' in this Ayah is past tense (Madhi). Anything that is established partially cannot be abrogated as a whole. Therefore, the statement made in the book 'Taqwiyatul Eimaan' that 'The person whose name is Muhammad or Ali has no ownership of anything' runs counter to Divine Revelations." [Translator: Late Hafez Mawlana Mu'inul Islam]
It is interesting to note that Allama Yusuf Ali, although he did not belong to the Sunni school of Islamic thought, has the same view as Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan regarding the ayah quoted above. He says in his tafseer: "Kauthar - the Heavenly Fountain of unbounded grace and knowledge, mercy and goodness, truth and wisdom, spiritual power and insight, which was granted to the holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Apostle of Allah......." [Glorious Quran].
Islamic Evidence - 9
Du'a or supplication is the essence of worship as told in a Hadith. But seeking help from the pious ones like the Prophet (peace be upon him) or the Sufi-dervishes is not Du'a. Allama Husayin Hilmi Isik of Turkey wrote in his book 'Reformers in Islam', pages 137-8, "Showing the Ayats, 'Besides Allah, do not pray to anyone, who is neither useful nor harmful to you!' and 'Do not pray to another person together with Allah!' and the Hadith 'Prayer is the essence of worship', they (Wahhabi people) said that he who asked for something from someone besides Him would become an unbeliever. Whereas, the prayer prohibited in the ayah means the 'prayer that is performed as worship' (i.e. ritual prayers) in the Islamic knowledge. This prayer can be performed only to Allah. And a person knowing that only Allah can be worshiped, that He alone can be prayed to, that no one besides Him is creative, that everything is made by Him, is permitted to put prophets and awliyaa as intermediaries and asks help from their souls by thinking that they are the beloved human creatures of Allah who has given their souls the power to help people. They are alive in their graves in a life which we do not know. Their souls have been given miracles and the power to do work. A person who believes so cannot be called a polytheist. However, Muslims ask the souls of the awliyaa to help them in purifying their hearts and to give them fayd and ma'rifa, knowledge which has flowed from Rasuulullah's (alaiyhis-salaam) blessed heart to their hearts." (Allama Husayn Hilmi:
Therefore, it is now evident that Du'a (ritual prayers) and Istigatha (spiritual help) are not the same thing. There is no excuse for mixing the two up. Those who mix up are either ignoramuses or people with an ulterior motive.
Islamic Evidence - 10
Allah declares in Suurah Maa'idah, verses 55-6, "Your (meaning Muslims) wali i.e. friend/helpers are (no less than) Allah, His Apostle (peace be upon him), and the believers - those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship). As to those who turn (for friendship or help) to Allah, His Apostle, and the believers, - it is the Fellowship of Allah that must certainly triumph."(Yusuf Ali's translation)
In the above ayah, Allah tells all believing Muslims that He and His Prophet (peace be upon him) and the pious Awliyaa (Sufi-dervishes) are their Waliyy. The word Waliyy means friend, helper etc. It has been used in this sense here [Jordanian Feras Hamza's Online translation of the Tafseer-i Jalaalayn Shareef translates the word as 'Patron' -]. Awliyaa meaning Sufi-dervishes are the helpers of all believing Muslims. Allah has acknowledged the patronage of His Prophet (peace be upon him) and also of His devout believers alongside His own Patronage. The Wahhabi heretics call this 'patronage' of the Awliyaa polytheism. Thus, according to their fatwa, even Allah Almighty is not exempted from committing polytheism! (Na'uzu billahi min zalik)
It is noteworthy here that this Divinely granted power of patronage, which Allah declares He has granted to His Awliyaa, is the authority they exercise in protecting common Muslims and in looking after their well-being. The latter part of the Koranic verse states that those believers who accept the Patronage of Allah, and also of His Prophet (peace be upon him) and the devout Muslim Sufi-dervishes are the Hizbullaah (Allah's band) and they shall triumph. On the contrary, those who belittle the Awliyaa and do not accept their patronage are not the fellows of Allah, rather they are the followers of Satan and they shall taste ignominious defeat in the end!
Allah, in the Koranic verse quoted above, has allusively commanded us to obey Sufi-dervishes by being in their company in order to become His fellows. One will suffer eternal perdition if one is left out of Allah's fellowship. Henceforth, we should seek the company of the Awliyaa for attaining eternal bliss in the hereafter. Certainly, Allah is All-powerful, Wise and the Most Knowledgeable.
Islamic Evidence - 11
Al-Bukhariyy quotes a Hadith-i Qudsiyy wherein Allah declares, "Maa zaala 'abdiyy yataqarrabu ilaiyya bin-nawaafili hattaa ahbabtuhuu fakuntu sam'ahu allaziyy yasma'u bihiy wa basrahuu allaziyy yabsiru wa yadahu allaziyy yabtishu bihiyy wa rijlahuu allatiyy yamshiyy bihaa" - meaning "My pious servant comes close to me through supererogatory prayers so much so that I love him; I become his ears with which he hears, his eyes with which he sees, his hands with which he works and his legs with which he moves around." [Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraiyra Radiya-Allah 'anhu]
Dear readers, the meaning of the term 'nawafil' or supererogatory prayer/deeds mentioned in the Hadith-i Qudsiyy is not restricted to such religious practices only. The term has a broader perspective. In fact it purports the austere ascetic/spiritual endeavor of the Sufi way (Tareeqat) as pointed out by Mawlana Thanaullaah Panipathi in his Persian booklet "Irshad at-Talibeen." The pious ones of Allah draw near to Him through this spiritual enlightenment and excellence. In the Lord's presence, they see and hear with spiritual powers granted to them by Allah, and they protect and help people with those powers. During one Jihad when the Muslim army was staring at the face of certain defeat, the Prophet (peace be upon him) picked up some sand from the ground and threw it towards the advancing pagan army. The Meccan unbelievers lost their eyesight and as a result the Muslim army overcame defeat. Allah says, ".. And you threw not, [O Muhammad swallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw" [Surah Anfal, 8:17]. Henceforth, we can infer that our Prophet (peace be upon him) knew about the Divine Will of Allah and his working this miracle (Mu'jizah) was in reality the Work of Allah (Tasarruf). Likewise, the Awliyaa or Sufi/dervishes who see, hear and work miracles by Allah's Will have Gnostic Knowledge of all things. However, some individuals among the Muslim community try to explain away the above Hadith-i Qusiyy by saying that the word 'nawafil' in question means 'supererogatory ritual prayers i.e. namaaz.' Our response would be that if it meant 'nafal namaaz' and reciting the 'tasbih' (with beads) only, then multitudes in the Muslim community would have attained such Stations that are bestowed by Allah. But, in reality, the case is not so. Whereas, when Gawthul A'zam Shaykh Ahmad-Ullaah al-Hasaaniyy (may Allah be pleased with him) was being belittled by a Wahhabi cleric, he pacified his disciples, saying, "Let him be a goner, he'll be devoured by ants!" ['Cchorr dow, usko tow chewti ne kha lega' in Urdu]. What a miracle! Ants from all sides came rushing in their millions and literally 'devoured' the impudent mullah. The tongue of the saint is the 'Qalam' i.e. pen for writing destiny of people by Allah. The account of bringing Queen Sheba's throne from Yemen to Damascus in a twinkling of an eye by Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)'s vizier Asaf bin Barkhiya has been related in the Koran [Sura Naml, 38-40;]. Indeed, Allah is the One who is Omnipresent! Contrary to what the antagonists think, Asaf bin Barkhiya being in Damascus saw the throne in Yemen and brought it over to Hadrat Sulaiman's court in Damascus with the help of Divine powers bestowed upon him [He is referred to in the Koran as the one who possessed 'knowledge of the revealed scriptures']. And that is 'Tasarruf' (working of miracles) by the Awliyaa (Sufi/dervishes)! [To know more kindly refer to my Online article “Seeking help from the pious ones of Allah" at]
The Wahhabi antagonists say that the saints are absolutely unable to work miracles following their wisaal (reuniting with Allah in the Hereafter). Ignoramuses! The above-quoted Hadith-i Qudsiyy clearly points out that the Sufi/dervishes see, hear and work miracles with Allah's permission. As these Divine Powers are infinite and perpetual, so is the 'Ta'thir' (influence) of the Awliyaa. This is why our Prophet (peace be upon him) declared in a Hadith: "Beware, the Awliyaa will not die." It may be noted here that he used 'mudare' (present and future tenses jointly) while referring to their state of not dying. Henceforth, the Hadith has deep inner meanings. That the Awliyaa (Sufi/dervishes) are spiritually immortal has been declared by our Prophet (peace be upon him) in yet another Hadith: "Idhaa tahayyartum fi'l umuuri faasta'inuu min ahlil Qubuur", meaning "When you are in trouble with your affairs (of the world), seek help from the Awliyaa in shrines!" [Shaykh Abdul Azeez Dehlawi: Fatawa-i Azeeziyya].
Islamic Evidence - 12
Imam Yusuuf Nabhani (May Allah be pleased with him) wrote in his book "Shawaahidul Haqq":
"Some say that the one who regards Rasulullaah (peace be upon him) or another prophet or wali (saint) as an intermediary or visits his shrine and says, for example, 'O Rasuulullaah (alaiyhis-salaam)! I ask for your intercession,' becomes an unbeliever. By putting forth the ayahs such as, 'Do not pray to anyone besides Allah! Who else can ever be more heretical than the one who prays to somebody besides Allah?' and 'Those to whom you pray besides Allah can do nothing. If you ask anything from them they will not hear you. Even if they heard you, they would not answer you.On the Day of Resurrection they will deny your polytheism (shirk),' which descended for unbelievers, these people of bid'ah called the believers 'unbelievers'. Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab said, 'These ayahs show that the one who addresses a (saint in) shrine and asks for intercession is a polytheist. Ancient idolaters, too, believed that their idols could make nothing, that Allah alone created everything, but they said that their idols would intercede with Allah for them, and, therefore, they became polytheist. Also, those who ask for shafa'a (intercession) at graves or shrines become polytheists.' These words are very wrong, for the believers neither worship prophets or the awliyaa nor attribute them as partners to Allah, but believe that they, too, are creatures, human beings, who are not worth worshiping and cannot do anything useful or cause any harm (on their own). Because they are His beloved, His select group of human beings and He pities His creations for their sake, the believers want to get benefit through them. Whereas, the polytheists, mentioned in the ayahs believed that the idols were worth worshiping, and they were polytheists because of this wrong belief. When they were told that the idols were neither useful nor harmful, they would say that they worshiped them so that they intercede with Allah for them. It is surprising, indeed, that the true believers are likened to idolatrous unbelievers. If it were polytheism for the believers to ask for intercession, Rasuulullaah (sall-Allaahu alayhi wa sallam), Sahaba-i-Kiraam or the Salaaf as-Saaliheen would have never asked for intercession. As a matter of fact, when praying, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said 'Allaahumma inniy as'aluka bi-haqqis-saa'ileena 'alayka' meaning 'O my Rabb (Lord)! Give me for the right (haqq) of those beloved ones whom Thou gave when they asked!' It is obvious that he asked intercession in these terms. He taught this prayer to his blessed companions and declared, 'Pray in this manner!' It is declared in a hadith quoted in the book 'al-Jami' al-Kabeer' by Imam Jalaaluddeen Suyutiyy and reported by Ibn Ma'aja, 'When leaving your house for the mosque, say this prayer!' Islamic scholars used to say this prayer every day. Imam Tabaraniyy, Imam Ibn Habban and Imam Hakim reported that when interring Fatima bint Asad (May Allah be pleased with her), Hazrat Ali's mother, our Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, 'O my Rabb! Forgive mother Fatima Bint Asad for the right of Thine Prophet and Thine other prophets who came before me!' Also, Ibn Abi Shayba and Ibn al-Birr reported this Hadith with more details as written in the book 'al-Jami' al-Kabeer' by Imam Suyutiyy. There is an evident tawassul in the prayer Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) taught a blind sahabi. These people of Bid'ah, however, prohibit that prayer and say that he who says it becomes an unbeliever. It can never be right for them to say so, for the Sahaba al-Kiraam always said that prayer when Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) was in his worldly lifetime.
"While visiting the Masjid an-Nawawi (blessed mosque in Medina), Ja'far Mansur, the second 'Abbasid caliph, asked Imam Malik (May Allah be pleased with him), 'Shall I turn my face to the Ka'ba or face Rasuulullaah's (alaihis-salaam) shrine when reciting prayers?' [N.B. One stands between the Ka'ba and the Prophet's blessed shrine when standing in the said mosque] Imam Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) said, 'How can you turn your face away from Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam)! He is the cause of you and your father Adam (alayhis-salaam)! Turn your face to him and pray through him!' Hazrat Ibn Hajar al-Makki (May Allah be pleased with him) wrote in his book 'Jawhar al-Munazzam' that this report was so authentic that it cannot be rejected. Those who say that Imam Malik said that it was makruh (not preferable) to pray while facing Rasuulullaah's (alayhis-salaam) shrine slander the exalted Imam by saying so.
"It is not right that only prophets (alaihimus-salaam) can be put as intermediaries, for Hadrat 'Umar (radi-Allaahu 'anh), when praying to Allah so that it would rain, put Hadrat Abbas (radi-Allaahu 'anh) as an intermediary [Kindly refer to Dr G.F. Haddad's Online article "Tawassul of Umar through Abbas" at]. None of the Sahabat al-Kiraam who were present there said anything against him. Since Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) had said, 'Allah has placed the truth into Umar's tongue,' Hadrat 'Umar's putting Hadrat Abbas (radi-Allaahu 'anhumaa) as an intermediary is an apparent evidence, a sound document and was intended to show everybody that it was permissible to put others besides Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) as intermediaries, for everybody knew that it was permissible to put prophets as intermediaries, and there were those who hesitated if it was permissible to put others as intermediaries. Hadrat 'Umar (radi-Allaahu 'anh) taught that it was permissible. If he had prayed through Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam), it would have been understood that it was not permissible to pray through others for rain. However, this does not show that the ones who have attained wisaal (i.e. reunited with Allah in the Hereafter) cannot be put as intermediaries, for all as-Sahabat al-Kiraam (revered companions) prayed through Rasuulullaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) after his wisaal, some examples of which have already been given above.
"Some people, on the one hand, say, 'No one besides Allah can affect. He who says someone else also can affect becomes a disbeliever,' and on the other hand, claim, 'The ones who are alive can be put as intermediaries, but the ones who have attained wisaal cannot.' Their words disagree with each other. Believers deem both the ones who have attained wisaal and the ones who are alive as intermediaries or causes and believe that Allah alone creates and affects everything.
"When saying that it is polytheism to pray through someone, the heretics show examples from the words of ignorant people, who say, e.g., 'Do my such and such affair,' towards the shrine of a wali (saint) who has attained wisaal, or regard ordinary people as awliyaa and expect miracles from them. However, even such ignorant people who express such wrong words and thoughts believe also that no one besides Allah can create beneficial/useful things or the harmful ones. They know they have recourse to the Awliyaa in order to attain blessings from Allah. And the heretics say that they try to prevent their (ignorant people's) wrong, doubtful words. We remind the heretics none of those who express such words ever think that someone besides Allah can create useful or harmful things. They all have recourse to the Awliyaa in order to get a share from their blessings. When they say, 'Awliyaa did (such and such things),' they do not mean the Awliyaa affected. If the heretics want to prevent doubtful words, why do they call all believers 'polytheists'? They say he who has recourse to somebody (tawassul) for any reason becomes an unbeliever. If they are sincere in their word, they should prohibit only the words which they consider as doubtful and teach the manners of tawassul. Moreover, the words which they prohibit are metaphorical words with different meanings, for example, 'This food has satiated me,' and 'This medicine has cured me,' which are interpreted compatibly with reason and Islam by Ahl as-Sunnah scholars as, 'What satiates one is not the food, neither is the medicine that cures him/her, but Allah alone does everything. The food or the medicine is a means created by Allah. When a Muslim says that a thing can affect, the one who hears him/her should interpret it in this way. The fact that the speaker is a Muslim shows that he has expressed it in this meaning, as the scholars of 'Ma'ani' (semantics) have decided unanimously.
"Ibn Taymiyya and his disciples said that tawassul was haraam. The Wahhabis said that it was polytheism. Whereas, the Prophet (peace be upon him), his companions and all Muslims performed tawassul. It is not possible that the whole Ummah (Muslim community) have committed haraam or kufr. It is declared in a Hadeeth, 'My Ummah (Muslims) do not agree on deviation!' Ayah 110 of Suraa al-i Imraan declares, 'You have become the best of Ummahs!' Is it conceivable that all or the majority of such a community would agree on deviation or heresy?
"Ibn Humaam, a Hanafi scholar, said, 'It is better to turn towards the Prophet's (alayhis-salaam) shrine than towards the qiblaa (mosque in Mecca) when sending one's prayers.' To say that al-Imam al-A'zam (Abu Haneefa Rahmatullaahi alayh) said, 'It is better to turn towards the qiblaa' would be a big slander against the exalted Imam, for he wrote in his book 'Musnad' that 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (Radi-Allaahu anh) said, 'It is Sunna to turn towards the Prophet's (alaihis-salaam) shrine, one's back being towards the qiblaa.' All the Hanafi scholars have reported that al-Imam al-A'zam (Rahmatullaahi alayh) said, 'It is mustahab (laudable) to turn towards the Blessed Shrine.' Rasuulullaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) is alive in his blessed shrine and recognizes those who visit him. Those who visited him when he was alive (in his worldly life) used to turn towards his blessed face, and the Ka'ba would be behind them. It is certainly the same while visiting the blessed shrine. If, in the Masjid-i Haraam, the mosque around the Ka'ba, a person approaches to tell something to his master or father who stands towards the Ka'ba, he certainly says it facing him, the Ka'ba being behind him. Turning one's face towards Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) is certainly more necessary than turning towards one's father or master. The scholars of the four mazhabs unanimously said that it was necessary to turn towards the Prophet's (alayhis-salaam) blessed shrine when visiting. Imam as-Subki quotes their writings one by one in his book 'Shifa as-Siqam'. That al-Imam al-A'zam was against tawassul, as written in the tafseer of Alusiyy, is not true. No Hanafi scholar has agreed with this statement. All Hanafi scholars have reported that tawassul was mustahab. We should not believe Alusiyy's statement.
"Az-Zurkani Maliki (May Allah be pleased with him) wrote: 'When one says - O my Rabb (Lord)! I pray to Thee through Thine Prophet (peace be upon him). O the Prophet, who is [Allah's] Compassion for humankind! Intercede for me in the presence of Thine Rabb! - Allah accepts this prayer.' [Zurkani Maliki's annotation to 'al-Mawahib al-Ladunniyya in 8 volumes, Beirut, 1393 Hegira/1973 CE]
"The above proofs eradicate the bid'ah that has come forth at the roots. As Imam al-Bukhari reports, a villager visited Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) and begged him to pray so that it would rain and said, 'We have nobody besides you to trust ourselves to. The place where men will take refuge is their Prophet (peace be upon him) only.' Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) did not say anything against him and, as Anas ibn Malik (Radi-Allahu anh) noted, Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) immediately mounted the pulpit and prayed for rain. The prayer was not finished when it began to rain. It is written in the Saheeh of al-Bukhari that a villager complained about dearth to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and as soon as he began to pray, it began to rain, upon which he said, 'If Abu Talib was alive (today), he would be pleased a lot.'
"Great scholar Hadrat Ibn Hajar al-Makki (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote in his book 'Khairat al-Hisan', "Imam Muhammad ash-Shafi'i, on the days when he was in Baghdad, would visit Imam Abu Haneefa's shrine and greet him. He would pray through the Imam so that his wish would be accepted (by Allah).' And Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal used to pray through Imam Shafi'i. In fact, when his son, Abdullah, was surprised at this, he said, 'O my son! Imam Shafi'i is like the sun among men! He is like good health for bodies!' In western countries, Imam Malik would be put as an intermediary when praying, and Imam Shafi'i heard this and did not oppose it. Imam Abul Hasan Shaziliyy said, 'The person who asks something from Allah should pray through Imam Ghazzaliyy.' It is written in the book 'Sawaaiq' by Imam Ibn Hajar al-Makki that Imam Shafi'i always prayed through Ahl al-Bayt an-Nabawi.
"As Allah has made pious deeds and worship means to happiness and high status, so He has made His beloved, select men, Anbiyaa, Awliyaa, and Sulaha, whom He has commanded us to love, intermediaries for the admission of prayers. It is for this reason that the Sahabat al-Kiraam and all scholars have performed tawassul when praying. None of them has denied this. By giving wrong meanings to ayahs and hadeeths and denying many true reports, Ahl al-Bid'ah people have been defiling Muslims' Iman (faith). They have been striving to cause Ahl al-Qiblaa (Muslims) to dissent from the right path. Any person, upon whose lot Allah has endowed auspicion and happiness, will learn the above evidences, thus escape the disaster of being deceived by them." [Imam Yusuf Nabhaniyy's book 'Shawaahidul Haqq.' Translation in English by Allama Husayn Hilmi Isik in his book 'Reformers in Islam.' at]
Islamic evidence - 13
Imam Nasaa'i and Imam Tirmidhiyy (May Allah be pleased with them) reported that a blind man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked him to pray for him so that he might see again. Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) said to him, "I will pray if you wish, but you can be patient if you like. Patience will be better for you." When the man said, "I would like you to pray, since I have no one to lead me. I am in great difficulties," the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Perform ablution and then say (the following prayer), 'O my Rabb (Lord)! I ask from Thee and turn towards Thee through Thine Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), whom Thou hast sent as a Blessing (upon people). O Muhammad (Sallallaahu alaiyhi wa sallam)! I turn towards my Rabb through thee. O my Allah! Make him (the Prophet) an intercessor for me!'" Also Imam Baihaki (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the blind man stood up and, having regained his eyesight, walked away (on his own).
Imam Ibn Hajar al-Makki (May Allah be pleased with him), in his book 'Jawhar al-Munazzam', wrote: "Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) himself did not pray but taught him the prayer. He wanted him to turn towards Allah, to entreat Him and put the Prophet (peace be upon him) as an intercessor and wished his prayer to be accepted in this way. He was and has been put as an intercessor both when he was in his worldly life and after his Wisaal (i.e. reunion with Allah in the Hereafter). The Salaaf as-Saaliheen (i.e. pious ones of earlier times), after his Wisaal, said this prayer very often and attained their purposes through it. As reported by al-Tabarani and al-Baihaki (May Allah be pleased with them), a man whose request was not accepted by the Caliph 'Uthmaan (Radi-Allaahu 'anh) went to Hadrat 'Uthmaan bin Hunayf, a sahabi (companion), and asked for his help. He taught him this prayer. When he once again approached the Caliph after saying the prayer, his request was accepted." [Also quoted in Imam Yusuuf Nabhani's book "Shawaahidul Haqq", page 137 (English translation by Allama Husayn Hilmi Isik in his Online book "Islam's Reformers", pages 131-2)]
Islamic Evidence - 14
Imam Ibn Hajar Makki (May Allah be pleased with him), in his book 'Jawhar al-Munazzam', also wrote: "According to an authentic narration, there was drought during the rule of Caliph Hadrat 'Umar (Radi-Allaahu 'anh) and a sahabi (companion) visited the shrine of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, 'O Prophet (peace be upon him)! Pray for your Ummah (Muslim community) so that it shall rain! Your Ummah is about to perish.' Rasuulullaah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) appeared to him in a dream and told him it would rain. And so it did! He also told him, 'Go to 'Umar! Convey my greetings to him! Give him the good news that it will rain. Advise him to act (i.e. rule) mildly.' Caliph 'Umar (Radi-Allaahu 'anh) was very strict in carrying out the commands of the religion. The sahabi told the Caliph about his dream. Caliph 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) listened and wept. According to some reports, this sahabi was Hadrat Bilaal ibn Haarith al-Muzaniyy (Radi-Allaahu 'anh). Here, the point is not the dream but the sahabi's praying through Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam). As it is seen, Rasuulullaah (alaihis-salaam) can be asked also after his Wisaal, as it was done in his worldly lifetime, so that one's prayer might be answered (by Allah)." [Also quoted in Imam Yusuf Nabhani's book "Shawaahidul Haqq" page 138 (English translation by Allama Husayn Hilmi Isik in his Online book "Islam's Reformers", page 133]
Islamic Evidence - 15
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) declared in a Hadeeth: "Idhaa tahayyartum fi'l umuuri faasta'inuu min ahlil Qubuur", meaning "When you are in trouble with your affairs (of the world), seek help from the Grave-people (meaning Awliyaa in shrines)!" [Shaykh Abdul Azeez Dehlawi: Fatawa-i Azeeziyya; also Mawlana Hamd-Allah Dajwiyy quotes this Hadeeth in his book "Al-Basai'r li-Munkirit-Tawassuli bi-Ahlil Maqaabir"].
In this Hadeeth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has commanded us to seek help from the 'Ahl al-Qubuur' or 'Grave-people.' The said term in the above Hadeeth is not used for ordinary Muslims, because they also will die and be buried in graves, and their 'a'mal' (meaning deeds) will cease following their death. Henceforth, they are not the subject of this Hadeeth. Rasuulullaah (alayhis-salaam) has elucidated in another Hadeeth who the said 'Grave-people' really are. He declared, "Beware, the Awliyaa will not die." This means their souls will not be dead. In other words, they will not be spiritually dead. They do possess spiritual powers granted to them by Allah Almighty. And these are the powers they exercise in order to help the people in dire need. This is why Imam Ghazzaliyy (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "Asking for spiritual help is valid (in Islam) from such a Wisaal-attaining person, from whom spiritual help was sought in his worldly lifetime." This is Imam Ghazzaliyy, the 'Hujjat al-Islam" i.e. Evidence of Islam, who is expressing his well-researched views on the matter! Thus, the views of Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and the lot mean nothing as opposed to the views of this great Imam.
The great Aalim (Islamic savant) Ahmad Shams al-Deen ibn Kamaal Effendi (Rahmaatullaahi alayh), who was the ninth Shaykh al-Islam of the Ottoman Empire, explained in his book "Sharh-i Hadeeth al-Arba'in" the eighteenth Hadeeth,"Idhaa tahayyartum fi'l umuuri faasta'inuu min ahlil Qubuur" ["When you are in trouble with your affairs (of the world), seek help from the Grave-people (meaning Awliyaa in shrines")] as:
"Man's soul is in love with his body. This love does not fade away when he dies and the soul departs from the body. The soul's attraction to, and interest in, the body does not end after death. Therefore, it was prohibited in a Hadeeth Shareef to break the bones of the dead or to step on graves. When one visits a Waliyy i.e. Muslim saint's shrine, the souls of the two meet and much (spiritual) benefit accrues. It was for this benefit visiting of graves is permitted. It has, of course, some other secret advantages as well. The soul of the Muslim in the grave and that of the visitor are like mirrors, which reflect on each other. When the visitor looks at the grave and gives himself up to Allah's 'Qada' (Destiny/fate), his soul perceives this and his knowledge and moral qualities attain 'Fayd' (Divine blessings), which is then reflected to the heart of the 'Waliyy' in the shrine. And the knowledge and 'Fayd' that have come from Allah to the soul of that saint in shrine are reflected to the visitor's soul. The Shafi'i scholar 'Alaauddeen Aliyy ibn Isma'il (Rahimah Allaahu ta'ala), who passed away in 792 Hegira/1329 CE, wrote in his book 'Al-'Alam fiyy Hayaati'l-Anbiyaa 'Alayhimu's-Salaatu wa's-Salaam', 'Prophets' and all (pious) Muslims' souls come down to their shrines and to the places where their names are mentioned. Their souls have a relationship with their shrines. Therefore, grave-visiting is Mustahab (laudable). They hear and reply to those who greet them.' In his book 'Aqeeba', Haafiz (Hadeeth-scholar) 'Abd al-Haqq al-Ashbeeliyy al-Maalikiyy (Rahimah-Allaahu ta'alaa), who passed away in 582 Hegira/1187 CE, quotes the Hadeeth Shareef, 'If anyone visits the grave of a Muslim brother of his and greets him, the one in the grave recognizes him and replies to his greeting.' Shaykh Fakhr al-Deen Ghazanfar al-Tabrizi said, 'I had thought deeply about a matter, but could not understand it. So I sat by the tomb of my Shaykh, Taaj al-Deen Tabrizi (Rahimah-Allaahu ta'alaa), and thought over the matter. Then I solved it.' Some scholars said that 'the ones in graves' mentioned in the Hadeeth Shareef, 'Seek help from the Grave-people,' were the Awliyaa, who, obeying the command, 'Die before you die,' had advanced on the way of Tasawwuf (i.e. Sufi path)." [Quoted from Allama Husayn Hilmi's book "Advice for the Wahhabi", pages 80-1]
(End of Blog 3)